Volume 19, Number 11—November 2013
New Variant of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, Portugal, 2012–2013

Figure. . . Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of 95 partial sequences of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) capsid gene. Bootstrap values appear next to the nodes and are shown only for the major groups: G1–G6 (GenBank accession nos. AB300693, AF231353, AF258618, AF453761, AJ006019, AJ302016, AJ303106, AJ495856, AJ535092, AJ535094, AJ969628, AM085133, AY269825, AY523410, AY926883, AY928268, AY928269, DQ069280, DQ069281, DQ069282, DQ189077, DQ189078, DQ205345, DQ280493, DQ530363, DQ841708, EF363035, EF558572, EF558573, EF558574, EF558575, EF558576, EF558577, EF558578, EF558581, EF558582, EF558583, EF558584, EU003578, EU003579, EU003580, EU003581, EU003582, EU250330, EU650679, EU650680, FJ212322, FJ212323, FJ794179, FJ794180, FN552800, FR823354, FR823355, GU339228, GU373617, GU373618, GU564448, HE963222, HM623309, HQ917923, JF412629, JF438967, JN165233, JN165234, JN165235, JN165236, JN851729, JN851730, JN851731, JN851732, JN851733, JN851734, JN851735, JQ815391, JQ995154, L48547, M67473, RHU49726, X87607, Y15424, Y15427, Z24757, Z29514, Z49271), RCV (GenBank accession nos. GQ166866; AM268419; X96868) and new variant RHDV (GenBank accession no. X133161). European brown hare syndrome virus (EBHSV) was used to root the tree (GenBank accession no. NC_002615). A nonpathogenic strain from Australia was also included (GenBank accession no. EU871528). The samples isolated from the rabbits found in Portugal appear in bold (Valpaços16_Portugal, Algarve1_Portugal, Algarve3_Portugal, Barrancos7–13_Portugal, Barrancos10A-13_Portugal, GenBank accession nos.: KF442960–KF442964. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site,
Reference has only first page number. Please provide the last page number if article is longer than one page. (in reference 1 "Abrantes, van der Loo, Le Pendu, Esteves, 2012").
Reference has only first page number. Please provide the last page number if article is longer than one page. (in reference 2 "Alda, Gaitero, Suarez, Merchan, Rocha, Doadrio, 2010").