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Volume 7, Number 1—February 2001

Disseminated Neocosmospora vasinfecta Infection in a Patient with Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia

Oliver A. Cornely*Comments to Author , Jens Chemnitz*, Hans-Georg Brochhagen, Karin Lemmer†, Heidi Schütt, Dietmar Söhngen*, Peter Staib*, Claudia Wickenhauser*, Volker Diehl*, and Kathrin Tintelnot†
Author affiliations: *Universitätsklinik Köln, Köln, Germany; †Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany

Main Article

Figure 1

Biopsy of foot lesion: area of extended dermal necrosis with inflammatory infiltration. In the center, PAS- (periodic acid-Schiff stain) positive septate hyphae branching at an acute angle (x400).

Figure 1. Biopsy of foot lesion: area of extended dermal necrosis with inflammatory infiltration. In the center, PAS- (periodic acid-Schiff stain) positive septate hyphae branching at an acute angle (x400).

Main Article

Page created: March 23, 2011
Page updated: March 23, 2011
Page reviewed: March 23, 2011
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