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Volume 10, Number 3—March 2004

Predicting Quarantine Failure Rates

Troy Day*Comments to Author 
Author affiliation: *Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Main Article


Sample size of infections, n, that the quarantine duration must be based on to ensure that the quarantine failure rate is no larger than [[INLINEGRAPHIC('03-0502-M19')]] (with 95% certainty). Results assume that the quarantine duration is set equal to the largest incubation period observed in the sample of n infections. Curve is plotted using equation 4 with [[INLINEGRAPHIC('03-0502-M20')]]= 0.95.

Figure. Sample size of infections, n, that the quarantine duration must be based on to ensure that the quarantine failure rate is no larger than formula image (with 95% certainty). Results assume that the quarantine duration is set equal to the largest incubation period observed in the sample of n infections. Curve is plotted using equation 4 with formula image= 0.95.

Main Article

Page created: February 08, 2011
Page updated: February 08, 2011
Page reviewed: February 08, 2011
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