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Volume 20, Number 10—October 2014

Person-to-Person Household and Nosocomial Transmission of Andes Hantavirus, Southern Chile, 2011

Constanza Martinez-Valdebenito, Mario Calvo, Cecilia Vial, Rita Mansilla, Claudia Marco, R. Eduardo Palma, Pablo Vial, Francisca Valdivieso, Gregory Mertz, and Marcela FerrésComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile (C. Martinez-Valdebenito, R.E. Palma, M. Ferrés); Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile (M. Calvo); Clínica Alemana–Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile (C. Vial, C. Marco, P.A. Vial, F. Valdivieso); Secretaría Regional Ministerial, Valdivia, Chile (R. Mansilla); University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (G. Mertz)

Main Article

Table 2

Clinical and epidemiologic features of 5 patients involved in outbreak of ANDV infection, Chile, 2011*

Feature Case-patient A† Case-patient B Case-patient C Case-patient D Case-patient E
Age, y/sex 73/M 31/F 53/F 60/F 34/M
Occupation Farmer Nursing assistant at hospital Teacher Cleaning personnel at hospital Car mechanic
Relationship to other case-patients
Husband of case-patient C
Health care provider for case-patient A
Wife of case-patient A
Health care assistant for case-patient A
Husband of case-patient B
Date of symptom onset Feb 21 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 18 Apr 2
Date of hospitalization
Feb 24
Mar 20
Mar 20
Mar 22
Apr 3
Signs and symptoms
Fever Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Respiratory symptoms‡ Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Gastrointestinal symptoms§ No No Yes Yes No
Other symptoms¶
Mechanical ventilation, d 28 8 0 1 6
Hospitalization, d 30 22 12 1 17
Days from environmental exposure to onset of symptoms 16 25–26 41 7–45 41–42
Days from exposure to hantavirus case-patient to onset of symptoms
Laboratory test results on admission
Platelet count, × 103/μL 51 56 108 101 147
Leukocytes, × 103 cells/μL 4,67 5,46 1,21 3,92 11,46
Hematocrit, % 52 39 39 45 44
Lymphocytes, % 12 7 39 19 7
Immunoblasts, % Yes Yes Yes NR Yes
IgM/IgG for ANDV Negative# Positive Positive Positive Positive
RT-PCR ANDV in blood cells ND Positive Positive Positive Positive

*ANDV, Andes virus; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR; ND, not done.
†Index case-patient.
‡Dry cough, dyspnea, cyanosis, crepitus.
§Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.
¶Severe headache, meningeal signs, myalgia, arthralgia, conjunctival infection, chills, photophobia, facial edema.
#On hospital admission. Repeat testing after 24 days yielded positive results.

Main Article

Page created: September 12, 2014
Page updated: September 12, 2014
Page reviewed: September 12, 2014
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