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Volume 20, Number 11—November 2014

Legionnaires’ Disease Incidence and Risk Factors, New York, New York, USA, 2002–2011

Andrea Farnham1Comments to Author , Lisa Alleyne, Daniel Cimini, and Sharon Balter
Author affiliations: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, New York, USA; 1Current affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

Main Article

Table 2

Rates of community-acquired Legionnaires’ disease by census tract poverty level, New York, New York, USA, 2002–2011*

Census tract poverty level† No. cases Rate/100,000 population
Crude Age-adjusted‡
Very low 80 1.4 1.2
Low 229 1.5 1.4
Medium 298 1.3 1.4
High 247 1.4 1.6
Very high 196 1.9 2.2
Total 1,261 1.6

*Eighteen community-acquired cases could not be geolocated to a census tract and were excluded from the total case count.
†By percentage of residents with household incomes <100% of the federal poverty level according to 2000 U.S. Census data: very low, <5%; low, 5%–9%; medium, 10%–19%; high, 20%–29%; very high, 30%–39%; highest, >40%.
‡Age-adjustment calculations were based on 2000 U.S. Census standard population.

Main Article

Page created: October 15, 2014
Page updated: October 15, 2014
Page reviewed: October 15, 2014
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