Volume 21, Number 1—January 2015
Detection of Zika Virus in Urine

Figure. Detection of Zika virus in blood and urine specimens of 6 patients by using real-time reverse transcription PCR with primers/probe 1086/1162c/1107-Cy5 (11) New Caledonia, 2014. A) Patient 1; B) Patient 2; C) Patient 3; D) Patient 4; E) Patient 5; F) Patient 6. Triangles indicate urine samples and squares indicate serum samples. The cutoff cycle threshold (Ct) value is 38.5, as previously reported (11) and is indicated by blue horizontal lines. Black symbols indicate amplifications with Ct <38.5, gray symbols indicate amplifications with Ct ≥38.5, and white symbols indicate negative amplifications. Onset of disease (day 0) was defined retrospectively after questioning patients about initial symptoms. Dashed lines indicate a period >2 days without a sample being obtained. Arrows indicate onset of rash.
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1These authors contributed equally to this article.