Volume 21, Number 10—October 2015
Local and International Implications of Schistosomiasis Acquired in Corsica, France
Patient age, y/sex | Reporting site | Travel to Corsica |
First clinic visit, 2014 | Eosinophils, cells/μL | Serologic test result |
Eggs in urine | Infection status† | ||
2014 | Before 2014 | First-line (antibody titer, IU) | Second-line | ||||||
7/M | Berlin, Germany | None | 2013 | Jun 5 | 1,415 | Pos (26.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Probable |
52/M | Berlin | None | 2012 | Jul 18 | 192 | Borderline (11.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Suspected |
29/F | Ghent, Belgium | None | 2013 | Aug 29 | 560 | Pos (1.1)¶ | IHA Neg# | Neg | Probable |
17/F | Hamburg, Germany | July–August | None | Sep 8 | 45 | Weak Pos** | IIFT Neg | NT | Probable |
11/M | Munich, Germany | None | 2013 | Sep 22 | 770 | Pos†† | IIFT Pos | Pos | Confirmed |
35/F‡‡ | Berlin | July | 2011–2013 | Sep 23 | 202 | Pos (17.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Probable |
35/M‡‡ | Berlin | July-August | 2012–2013 | Oct 7 | 359 | Pos (29.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Probable |
11/M‡‡ | Berlin | July–August | 2012–2013 | Oct 7 | 152 | Borderline (9.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Suspected |
41/F | Munich | May–June | 2007, 2009–2011 | Oct 10 | 344 | Pos†† | IIFT Pos | Neg | Confirmed |
45/F | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | July | None | Dec 5 | 0 | Pos (0.37)§§ | ND | Neg | Suspected |
6/F | Berlin | None | 2011–2012 | Dec 22 | 950 | Pos (32.0)‡ | ELISA and IHA Neg§ | Neg | Probable |
*All patients were detected through a search of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network (5). The patient from Montreal had microscopic hematuria; none of the other patients showed signs or symptoms of disease, and their infections were found during screening. IHA, indirect hemagglutination assay; IIFT, indirect immunofluorescence test; Neg, negative; ND, not done; NT, not tested; Pos, positive.
†Suspected, borderline result from 1 serologic testing method; probable, positive result from 1 serologic testing method; confirmed, positive result from 2 serologic testing methods and/or parasite eggs in urine.
‡As determined by using a Schistosoma mansoni IgG ELISA (DRG Diagnostics, Marburg, Germany); negative, <9; borderline, 9–11; positive, >11.
§As determined by using an S. mansoni adult or egg IgG ELISA; IHA, Cellognost Schistosomiasis H (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany).
¶As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni IgG ELISA using egg antigen extract mixed with S. mansoni adult worm extract imported from Egypt (positive at an optical density >1).
#As determined by using an in-house IHA with an S. mansoni adult worm extract (Fumouze SA, Levallois-Perret, France), with titration and cut-off set at 1/80 (positive at >1/160).
**As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni cercariae IgG ELISA.
††As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni IgG ELISA.
‡‡Familial cluster.
§§As determined by using an in-house S. mansoni–S. haematobium combined IgG ELISA (negative, <0.3; borderline, 0.3–0.35; positive, >0.35).
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1Additional members of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network who also contributed data are listed at the end of this article.