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Volume 22, Number 9—September 2016

Secondary Infections with Ebola Virus in Rural Communities, Liberia and Guinea, 2014–2015

Kim A. LindbladeComments to Author , Tolbert G. Nyenswah, Sakoba Keita, Boubakar Diallo, Francis Kateh, Aurora Amoah, Thomas K. Nagbe, Pratima Raghunathan, John C. Neatherlin, Mike Kinzer, Satish K. Pillai, Kathleen R. Attfield, Rana Hajjeh, Emmanuel Dweh, John A. Painter, Danielle T. Barradas, Seymour G. Williams, David J. Blackley, Hannah L. Kirking, Monita R. Patel, Monica Dea, Mehran S. Massoudi, Albert E. Barskey, Shauna L. Mettee Zarecki, Moses Fomba, Steven Grube, Lisa Belcher, Laura N. Broyles, T. Nikki Maxwell, Jose E. Hagan, Kristin Yeoman, Matthew Westercamp, Joshua Mott, Frank Mahoney, Laurence Slutsker, Kevin M. DeCock, Barbara J. Marston, and Benjamin A. Dahl
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (K.A. Lindblade, P. Raghunathan, J.C. Neatherlin, M. Kinzer, S.K. Pillai, K.R. Attfield, R. Hajjeh, J. Painter, D.T. Barradas, S.G. Williams, D.J. Blackley, H.L. Kirking, M.R. Patel, M. Dea, M.S. Massoudi, A.E. Barskey, S.L. Mettee Zarecki, S. Grube, L. Belcher, L.N. Broyles, T.N. Maxwell, J.E. Hagan, K. Yeoman, M. Westercamp, J. Mott, F. Mahoney, L. Slutsker, K.M. DeCock, B. Marston, B. Dahl); Liberia Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Monrovia, Liberia (T. Nyenswah, F. Kateh, T.K. Nagbe, E. Dweh, M. Fomba); Guinea Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, Conakry, Guinea (S. Keita); World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (B. Diallo); New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, New York, USA (A. Amoah)

Main Article


Characteristics of persons with Ebola virus disease in rural areas of Liberia and Guinea, 2014–June 2015*

Characteristic Liberia, n = 165 Guinea, n = 182 Total, n = 347
No. transmission chains 9 8 17
Laboratory-confirmed EVD 114 (69) 126 (69) 240 (69)
Admitted to an ETU and recovered 49 (30) 29 (16) 78 (22)
Admitted to an ETU and died 51 (31) 51 (28) 102 (29)
Admitted to an ETU and unknown outcome 0 (0) 5 (3) 5 (1%)
Died at home in the community 60 (37) 97 (53) 157 (45)
Recovered in the community 4 (2) 0 (0) 4 (1)
Generated ≥1 secondary EVD infections 37 (24) 62 (39) 99 (31)
Generated ≥1 secondary EVD infections by origin of source case
Source case died in the community 31 (55) 51 (55) 82 (55)
Source case was admitted to an ETU 5 (5) 11 (16) 16 (10)
Source case survived in the community 1 (25) 0 (0) 1 (25)
No. days at risk for transmitting secondary infections in the community 5.8 (5.2–6.5) 8.1 (1.8–14.4) 6.8 (4.0–9.6)
Timing of death within an ETU
Died <3 d after admission 12 (12) 12 (16) 24 (12)
Died ≥3 d after admission or recovered 85 (88) 65 (84) 150 (86)
Burial status of those who died at home in the community
Safely buried NA 38 (40) NA
Not safely buried NA 56 (60) NA

*Values are no. (%) or no. (95% CI). Percentages are proportions of data not missing. ETU, Ebola treatment unit; EVD, Ebola virus disease; NA, not available.

Main Article

Page created: August 16, 2016
Page updated: August 16, 2016
Page reviewed: August 16, 2016
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