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Volume 8, Number 4—April 2002

Feline Host Range of Canine parvovirus: Recent Emergence of New Antigenic Types in Cats

Yasuhiro Ikeda*†Comments to Author , Kazuya Nakamura†, Takayuki Miyazawa†, Yukinobu Tohya†, Eiji Takahashi†, and Masami Mochizuki‡
Author affiliations: *University College London, London, United Kingdom; †University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; ‡Kyoritsu Shoji Corporation, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan;

Main Article


Phylogenetically informative amino acid sequences in the VP2 gene

Virus 80 87 93 103 232 297 300 305 323 426 555 564 568

MEV-1 Lys Met Lys Val Val Ser Ala Asp Asp Asn Val Asn Ala
BFPV Lys Met Lys Val Val Ser Val Asp Asp Asn Val Asn Ala
CPV-2 Arg Met Asn Ala Ile Ser Ala Asp Asn Asn Val Ser Gly
CPV-2a Arg Leu Asn Ala Ile Ser/Ala Gly Tyr Asn Asn Ile Ser Gly
CPV-2b Arg Leu Asn Ala Ile Ser/Ala Gly Tyr Asn Asp Val Ser Gly
CPV-2c(a) Arg Leu Asn Ala Ile Ala Asp Tyr Asn Asn Val Ser Gly
CPV-2c(b) Arg Leu Asn Ala Ile Ala Asp Tyr Asn Asp Val Ser Gly

FPLV = Feline panleukopenia virus; MEV = Mink enteritis virus;. BFPV = blue fox parvovirus; CPV = Canine parvovirus.

Main Article

Page created: July 15, 2010
Page updated: July 15, 2010
Page reviewed: July 15, 2010
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