Volume 19, Number 5—May 2013
Tuberculosis Exposure among Evacuees at a Shelter after Earthquake, Japan, 2011
Sample results from investigation of TB exposure among evacuees at shelter and relatives who had contact with index case-patient after earthquake, Japan, 2011*
Contact type | Age, y/sex | TB screening† |
Intervention | |
Type | Result | |||
Evacuee‡ | 85/M | NA | NA | Follow-up |
Evacuee‡ | 57/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee‡ | 32/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 57/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 55/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 30/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 32/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 11/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 4/F | TST | Positive | Follow-up |
Family | <1/F | TST | Negative | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 64/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 61/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 29/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 56/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 86/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 48/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 54/F | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 63/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 73/M | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 59/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 60/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 56/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 63/M | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 60/F | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 74/M | IGRA | Positive | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 67/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 73/M | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 40/M | IGRA | Borderline | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 38/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Patient | 81/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 76/M | IGRA | Positive | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 70/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 65/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 62/F | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 43/M | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 75/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Family | 28/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 73/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 62/F | IGRA | Positive | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 91/F | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 91/F | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 78/M | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 79/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 49/M | IGRA | Positive | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 38/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 70/M | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 66/F | IGRA | Borderline | LTBI treatment |
Evacuee | 42/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 13/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Evacuee | 7/M | TST | Positive | Follow-up |
Evacuee | 74/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
Patient | 96/F | IGRA | Negative | Complete |
*A complete list of contact persons is available in the expanded Table online (wwwnc.cdc.gov/EID/article/19/5/12-1137-T1.htm). Contact persons were 50 evacuees (3 family members and 47 others) at the shelter, 8 family members at the index case-patient’s daughter’s home, 2 health care personnel (rescue worker and doctor) who rode with the patient in an ambulance, and 2 patients admitted to the same room as the index case-patient in the hospital. TB, tuberculosis; NA, not available; IGRA, interferon-γ release assay; TST, tuberculin skin test; LTBI, latent tuberculosis infection; border, borderline.
†TST or IGRA results were not available for 2 contacts; 1 refused to receive IGRA, and 1 did not undergo testing because of advanced age. IGRA results were evaluated according to the Japanese guideline for using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (4).
‡Family member of index case-patient.
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1Current affiliation: Miyagi Prefectural Government Osaki Public Health Center, Osaki, Japan.
2Current affiliation: Miyagi Prefectural Government Mental Health and Welfare Center, Osaki, Japan.