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Volume 18, Number 5—May 2012

Characterization of Virulent West Nile Virus Kunjin Strain, Australia, 2011

Melinda J. Frost1, Jing Zhang1, Judith H. Edmonds1, Natalie A. Prow1, Xingnian Gu, Rodney Davis, Christine Hornitzky, Kathleen E. Arzey, Deborah Finlaison, Paul Hick, Andrew Read, Jody Hobson-Peters, Fiona J. May, Stephen L. Doggett, John Haniotis, Richard C. Russell, Roy A. Hall2, Alexander A. Khromykh2, and Peter D. Kirkland2Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: Elizabeth Macarthur Agriculture Institute, Menangle, New South Wales, Australia (M.J. Frost, J. Zhang, X. Gu, R. Davis, C. Hornitzky, K.E. Arzey, D. Finlaison, P. Hick, A. Read, P.D. Kirkland); The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia (J.H. Edmonds, N.A Prow, J. Hobson-Peters, F.J. May, R.A. Hall, A. A. Khromykh); University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia (S.L. Doggett, J. Haniotis, R.C. Russell)

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Figure 2

Maximum-likelihood tree based on nucleotide sequences of the complete open reading frame of genomes of West Nile virus (WNV) NSW2011 (boldface) and representative strains of WNV from the different lineages and clades. All published complete Kunjin (KUN) virus sequences are included. Bootstrap values are shown on the nodes and are expressed as a percentage of 1,000 replicates. Sequences downloaded from GenBank were WNVRussia88–90, AY277251; WNVRabensburg, AY765264; WNVSarafend, AY688948; WNVUgand

Figure 2. . . Maximum-likelihood tree based on nucleotide sequences of the complete open reading frame of genomes of West Nile virus (WNV) NSW2011 (boldface) and representative strains of WNV from the different lineages and clades. All published complete Kunjin (KUN) virus sequences are included. Bootstrap values are shown on the nodes and are expressed as a percentage of 1,000 replicates. Sequences downloaded from GenBank were WNVRussia88–90, AY277251; WNVRabensburg, AY765264; WNVSarafend, AY688948; WNVUganda, AY532665; WNVIndia, DQ256376; WNVNY99, AF196835; WNV2002, GU827998; WNVKUNV-MRM16, GQ851602; WNVKUNV-MRM61C, AY274504; and WNVKUNV-K6453, GQ851603. NY, New York; NSW, New South Wales. Horizontal branch lengths indicate genetic distance proportional to the scale bar.

Main Article

1These authors contributed equally to the major technical aspects of this research.

2These authors served as joint senior authors.

Page created: April 12, 2012
Page updated: April 12, 2012
Page reviewed: April 12, 2012
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