Volume 21, Number 7—July 2015
Novel Arenavirus Isolates from Namaqua Rock Mice, Namibia, Southern Africa
Figure 2

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of Okahandja and Mariental viruses performed with maximum-likelihood method. A) Phylogenetic analysis of partial L segment sequence (338 nt) of Okahandja and Mariental viruses obtained from reverse transcription PCR screening and performed with MEGA 6.0 (13) with maximum-likelihood method (general time reversible plus gamma model with 7 discrete Gamma categories; 1,000 bootstrap replications). Values at the branches are bootstrap values of the corresponding neighbor-joining tree (maximum composite likelihood method); values <50% are not shown. Scale bar indicates an evolutionary distance of given substitutions per position in the sequence. B) Nucleocapsid open reading frame. C) Glycoprotein open reading frame. Scale bars indicate evolutionary distances of given substitutions per position in each sequence. LCMV, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.
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