Volume 22, Number 2—February 2016
Trematode Fluke Procerovum varium as Cause of Ocular Inflammation in Children, South India
Table 1
Primers used for amplification of the DNA region ITS2 and the 28S rDNA of trematode found as the source of ocular granulomas in children, South India*
DNA partition | Primer name | Primer sequence, 5′→ 3′ | DNA amplicon size, bp | Application | Reference |
ITS2 | 3SF | GGTACCGGTGGATCACTCGGCTCGTG | 539 | PCR and sequencing | (29) |
ITS2 | AP101F | ATGAATGGCGCAGCTTTGACATCG | 156 | Real-time PCR | This study |
ITS2 | AP102 F | AGAGCGCAGCCAACTGTGTGA | 369 | Real-time PCR and sequencing | This study |
28S rDNA | AP103 F | AGAGCGCAGCCAACTGTGTGA | 715 | PCR and sequencing | This study |
*ITS, internal transcribed spacer.
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1Current affiliation: National Academy of Sciences, India, Lucknow, India.
Page created: January 13, 2016
Page updated: January 13, 2016
Page reviewed: January 13, 2016
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