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Volume 12, Number 1—January 2006

SARS–associated Coronavirus Replication in Cell Lines

Matthew Kaye*Comments to Author , Julian Druce*, Thomas Tran*, Renata Kostecki*, Doris Chibo*, Jessica Morris*, Mike Catton*, and Chris Birch*
Author affiliations: *Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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Susceptibility of cells to SARS-CoV*

Cell line Species of origin Cell type CPE IDFA Quantitative PCR Ct (days 4, 7, and 11)
Supports replication
BGM Monkey, buffalo green Kidney epithelium + + 15, 15, 14
COS Monkey Derivative of CV-1 + 31, 33, 32
CV-1 Monkey, African green Kidney fibroblast + + 14, 15, 15
FRhK Monkey, rhesus Fetal kidney + + 16, 16, 15
LLC-Mk2 Monkey, rhesus Kidney epithelium + + 15, 14, 14
MA-104 Monkey, African green Kidney epithelium + + 17, 15, 15
MEK Monkey Embryonic kidney + 19, NT, 16
pCMK† Monkey, cynomolgus Primary kidney + + 20, 18, 17
Vero Monkey, African green Kidney epithelium + + 14, NT, NT
Vero E6† Monkey, African green Clone of Vero + + 14, NT, NT
HEK-293† Human Fetal kidney + + 16, 16, 17
Hep G2 Human Liver hepatocellular carcinoma + + 23, 23, 20
Huh-7† Human Liver hepatocellular carcinoma + + 15, 15, 16
RK-13 Rabbit Kidney epithelium + + 19, 17, 21
Does not support replication
A549† Human Lung carcinoma epithelium 33, 32, 35
HEL† Human Diploid fetal lung fibroblast 31, 34, 38
HeLa-T Human Cervical epithelium 32, 33, 36
Hep-2 Human Epithelium derived from HeLa-T 31, 32, 36
RD-A Human Rhabdomyosarcoma 33, 32, 35
MDCK† Canine Kidney epithelium 32, 37, 41
L20 Murine Express poliovirus receptor 33, 32, 35

*SARS-CoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome–associated coronavirus; CPE, cytopathic effect; IDFA, indirect immunofluorescence assay; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Ct, cycle threshold; NT, not tested.
†These cell lines were tested as part of another study (14), and the results confirmed as part of this study.

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Page created: February 16, 2012
Page updated: February 16, 2012
Page reviewed: February 16, 2012
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