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Volume 12, Number 4—April 2006

Shrews as Reservoir Hosts of Borna Disease Virus

Monika Hilbe*Comments to Author , Romana Herrsche*, Jolanta Kolodziejek†, Norbert Nowotny†‡, Kati Zlinszky*, and Felix Ehrensperger*
Author affiliations: *University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; †University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria; ‡United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Main Article


A) Distribution of Borna disease virus (BDV) p24 antigen in the hippocampus of shrew 144. Note the so-called Joest-Degen intranuclear inclusion bodies in multiple neurons in the gyrus dentatus; in some neurons, a homogenous intracytoplasmic staining can be seen (immunohistochemistry, ChemMate method [DAKO, Cygomation, Zug, Switzerland], ×40 [bar, 100 μm]). Inset: Joest-Degen intranuclear inclusion bodies are visible in multiple neurons in the gyrus dentatus (ChemMate method, ×100). B) Focal dist

Figure. A) Distribution of Borna disease virus (BDV) p24 antigen in the hippocampus of shrew 144. Note the so-called Joest-Degen intranuclear inclusion bodies in multiple neurons in the gyrus dentatus; in some neurons, a homogenous intracytoplasmic staining can be seen (immunohistochemistry, ChemMate method [DAKO, Cygomation, Zug, Switzerland], ×40 [bar, 100 μm]). Inset: Joest-Degen intranuclear inclusion bodies are visible in multiple neurons in the gyrus dentatus (ChemMate method, ×100). B) Focal distribution of BDV p38/40 antigen in the heart of shrew 144: granular intracytoplasmic and homogenous intranuclear labeling (ChemMate method, ×40 [bar, 100 μm]).

Main Article

Page created: January 24, 2012
Page updated: January 24, 2012
Page reviewed: January 24, 2012
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