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Volume 12, Number 9—September 2006

Risk for Tuberculosis among Children

Hiroshi Nakaoka*, Lovett Lawson*†, S. Bertel Squire*, Brian Coulter*, Pernille Ravn‡, Inger Brock‡, C. Anthony Hart§, and Luis E. Cuevas*Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom; †Zankli Medical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria; ‡University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark; §University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Main Article

Table 2

Agreement between TST and QFT-IT results in children at high risk and low risk for tuberculosis (TB)*

Positive Negative
Low-risk group
Positive 6 12
Intermediate 2 13
Negative 2 78
High-risk group
Positive 34 2
Intermediate 9 0
Negative 6 15

*TST, tuberculin skin test; QFT-IT, QuantiFERON Gold in Tube test; low risk, children in contact with adults with smear-negative TB and community controls; high risk, children in contact with smear-positive adults. TST result was negative if <5 mm, intermediate if 5–9 mm, and positive if >10 mm. TST and QFN-IT test results were missing in 13 children in the low-risk group and 12 children in the high-risk group

Main Article

Page created: November 17, 2011
Page updated: November 17, 2011
Page reviewed: November 17, 2011
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