Volume 17, Number 8—August 2011
Spread of Measles Virus D4-Hamburg, Europe, 2008–2011
Table A1
Data for 20 patients and results of laboratory investigation of measles virus specimens, Bulgaria, April 2009–March 2011*
Patient no. | Age | Vaccination status, year | Rash onset/date specimens obtained | IgM | IgG | Avidity | PCR results | Genotype | Diagnosis |
1 | 6 y | MMR1, 2004 | 2009 Apr 16/Apr 23 | Pos | Equivocal | ND | U pos | MVs/Shumen.BGR/15.09/1[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
2 | 29 y | Unknown | 2009 Apr 16/Apr 23 | Pos | Pos | ND | U pos | MVs/Shumen.BGR/15.09/2[D4] | Acute measles |
3 | 33 y | Unknown | 2009 Apr 16/Apr 23 | Pos | Pos | ND | U pos | MVs/Shumen.BGR/15.09/3[D4] | Acute measles |
4 | 13 y | Unknown | 2009 May 25/May 30 | Pos | Pos | ND | U pos | MVs/Silistra.BGR/21.09/1[D4] | Acute measles |
5 | 23 y | Unknown | 2009 May 25/May 30 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos | MVs/Silistra.BGR/21.09/2[D4] | Acute measles |
6 | 11 y | Unknown | 2009 May 25/May 30 | Pos | Pos | ND | U pos | MVs/Silistra.BGR/21.09/3[D4] | Acute measles |
7 | 11 y | MMR1, 1998 | 2009 May 25/May 30 | Pos | Pos | Low (8%) | U pos | MVs/Silistra.BGR/21.09/4[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
8 | 18 y | Unknown | 2010 Jan 4/Jan 14 | No serum | – | – | U pos | Sequence neg | Acute measles |
9 | 11 y | Unknown | 2010 Jan 12/Jan 21 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos | MVs/Blagoevgrad.BGR/02.10/1[D4] | Acute measles |
10 | 22 y | Unknown | 2010 Jan 14/Jan 21 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/03.10/1[D4] | Acute measles |
11 | 7 mo | Not vaccinated | 2010 Jan 18/Jan 21 | No serum | – | – | U pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/03.10/2[D4] | Acute measles |
12 | 15 y | MMR2 | 2010 Jan 13/Jan 21 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/03.10/3[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
13 | 35 y | Unknown | 2010 Jun 2/Jun 7 | Pos | Pos | Low (27%) | U pos, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/1[D4] | Acute measles |
14 | 19 y | MMR1, 1991/ MMR2, 2002 | 2010 Jun 3/Jun 7 | Equivocal | Pos | Equivocal (46%) | U pos, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/2[D4] | Secondary vaccination failure? |
15 | 11 y | MMR1, 2001/ MMR2 2010 May 27 | 2010 Jun 2/Jun 7 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/3[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
16 | 9 y | Unknown | 2010 Jun 4/Jun 7 | Pos | Neg | ND | U neg, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/4[D4] | Acute measles |
17 | 14 y | MMR1, 1998 | 2010 Jun 4/Jun 7 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/5[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
18 | 6 y | MMR1, 2004 | 2010 Jun 3/Jun 7 | Pos | Neg | ND | U pos, TS pos | MVs/Plovdiv.BGR/23.10/6[D4] | Acute measles, vaccination failure |
19 | 22 y | Unknown | 2011 Mar 6/Mar 11 | Pos | Pos | 93% | U pos | MVs/VelikoTarnovo.BGR/10.11/1[D4] | Secondary vaccination failure |
20 | 32 y | Unknown | 2011 Mar 8/Mar 11 | Pos | Pos | 86% | U pos | MVs/VelikoTarnovo.BGR/10.11/2[D4] | Secondary vaccination failure
*Ig, immunoglobulin; MMR, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine; MMR1, 1 dose of MMR vaccine; MMR2, two doses of MMR vaccine; pos, positive; ND, not determined; U, urine; neg, negative;–, not investigated (serum sample not available); TS, throat swab. Patients were hospitalized in distinct districts of Bulgaria; specimens were investigated in the World Health Organization Regional Reference Laboratory, Berlin, Germany. *Ig, immunoglobulin; MMR, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine; MMR1, 1 dose of MMR vaccine; MMR2, two doses of MMR vaccine; pos, positive; ND, not determined; U, urine; neg, negative;–, not investigated (serum sample not available); TS, throat swab. Patients were hospitalized in distinct districts of Bulgaria; specimens were investigated in the World Health Organization Regional Reference Laboratory, Berlin, Germany. *Ig, immunoglobulin; MMR, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine; MMR1, 1 dose of MMR vaccine; MMR2, two doses of MMR vaccine; pos, positive; ND, not determined; U, urine; neg, negative;–, not investigated (serum sample not available); TS, throat swab. Patients were hospitalized in distinct districts of Bulgaria; specimens were investigated in the World Health Organization Regional Reference Laboratory, Berlin, Germany. *Ig, immunoglobulin; MMR, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine; MMR1, 1 dose of MMR vaccine; MMR2, two doses of MMR vaccine; pos, positive; ND, not determined; U, urine; neg, negative;–, not investigated (serum sample not available); TS, throat swab. Patients were hospitalized in distinct districts of Bulgaria; specimens were investigated in the World Health Organization Regional Reference Laboratory, Berlin, Germany. |
*Ig, immunoglobulin; MMR, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine; MMR1, 1 dose of MMR vaccine; MMR2, two doses of MMR vaccine; pos, positive; ND, not determined; U, urine; neg, negative;–, not investigated (serum sample not available); TS, throat swab. Patients were hospitalized in distinct districts of Bulgaria; specimens were investigated in the World Health Organization Regional Reference Laboratory, Berlin, Germany.