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Volume 20, Number 4—April 2014

Gnathostoma spinigerum in Live Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus spp.) from Food Markets and Wild Populations, United States

Rebecca A. Cole, Anindo Choudhury, Leo G. Nico, and Kathryn M. Griffin
Author affiliations: US Geological Survey–National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wisconsin, USA (R.A. Cole, K.M. Griffin); St. Norbert College, DePere, Wisconsin, USA (A. Choudhury); US Geological Survey–Southeast Ecological Science Center, Gainesville, Florida, USA (L.G. Nico)

Main Article

Table 1

Summary information on live Asian swamp eels from market and wild populations in the United States examined for larval stages of Gnathostoma sppin 47 Monopterus cuchia swamp eels purchased from 5 ethnic food markets and 67 wild-caught Malbus (clades A, B, and C) from 4 introduced populations*

Sources and eel identifications (dates sampled)
No. samples
Total length, mm, min/max, (mean)
Body weight, g, min/max (mean)
No. eels (%) infected with Gnathostoma spp.
Eel specimen, parasite species, intensity, and tissue infected
Market samples: all M. cuchia
New York Chinatown, 3 markets (2011 Aug 22) 10 631–850 (707) 208–693 (359) 3 (30): G. spinigerum Mc 28 Gs 1K, 1M
Mc 30 Gs 1G
Mc 32 Gs 1M
Orlando, Florida, 1 market (2011 Jan 27, Oct 17, Oct 31; 2012 Jan 9) 25 546–781 (669) 173–565 (350) 5 (20): G. spinigerum Mc 17 Gs 4L
Mc 21 Gs 1G
Mc 37 Gs 1L
Mc 58 Gs 1G, 2M
Mc 59 Gs 2G, 1M
Atlanta, Georgia, 1 market (2010 Oct 25) 12 663–825 (730) 316–796 (486) 5 (41.7): G. spinigerum Mc 3 Gs 1G
Mc 9 Gs 12L, 2M
Mc 10 Gs 1L
Mc 11 Gs 1L
Mc 12 Gs 2L
All market samples (2010–2012)
546–850 (692)
174–796 (386)
13 (27.7): G. spinigerum

Wild population samples
Florida,Tampa area: 
M. albus clade C 
(2011 Nov 29–30) 14 140–912 (347) 5–693 (95) 3 (21.4): G. turgidum; G. lamothei Ma 48 Gt 4M
Ma 49 Gt 1M
Ma 54 Gl 1K
Florida, North Miami area: M. albus clade C (2012 Feb 6) 11 292–710 (522) 22–343 (168) 0
Florida, Homestead area: M. albus clade B (2012 Mar 10 & 12) 23 230–650 (431) 6–309 (91) 0
New Jersey: M. albus clade A (2012 Apr 18) 19 190–630 (314) 4–192 (35) 0
All wild population samples (2011–2012) 67 140–912 (395) 4–693 (89) 3 (4.5): G. turgidum; G. lamothei

*Min, minimum; max, maximum; Mc, M. cuchia; Gs, G. spingerum; K, kidney; M, muscle; G, gut; L, liver; ND, not determined; Ma, M. albus; Gt, G. turgidum; Gl, G. lamothei.

Main Article

Page created: March 13, 2014
Page updated: March 13, 2014
Page reviewed: March 13, 2014
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.