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Volume 9, Number 11—November 2003

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Southern Chile

Raúl Riquelme*Comments to Author , Mauricio Riquelme*, Antoni Torres†, Maria Luisa Rioseco*, José Antonio Vergara*, Luis Scholz‡, and Andrea Carriel*
Author affiliations: *Puerto Montt Regional Hospital, Puerto Montt, Chile; †Clinical Institute of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery Hospital Cliníc, Barcelona, Spain; ‡Osorno Regional Hospital, Osorno, Chile

Main Article

Table 2

Hemorrhage in patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

Case no. Bleeding sites Platelet count 10³/UL Bleeding severitya Prothrombin (%) Outcome
1 Hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria 15.6 Moderate NAb Survived
3 Hematuria, gingivorrhagia 74.0 Mild 100 Survived
4 Hematuria, subungueal, hemoptysis 33.0 Moderate NA Died
5 Puncture sites, skin, hemoptysis 19.0 Mild 74 Survived
6 Hematuria 7.1 Moderate NA Survived
7 Skin, hematuria, hemoptysis, puncture sites, gingivorrhagia 28.0 Severe 100 Died
9 Skin, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, subarachnoid 25.0 Severe 13 Died
10 Metrorrhagia 73.0 Severe NA Died
11 Hemoptysis 23.0 Moderate NA Died
12 Hemoptysis 46.0 Mild 100 Survived
13 Puncture sites 45.0 Mild 100 Survived
14 Puncture sites 11.2 Mild 100 Survived
15 Hemoptysis, epistaxis 20.0 Mild 100 Survived
16 Puncture sites, dura mater 52.0 Severe 100 Survived
20 Metrorrhagia 31.0 Severe 57 Died
21 Viscera 154.0 Mild NA Died

aMild, <200 mL (self limited); moderate, 200–500 mL (no transfusion needed); severe >500 mL (transfusion necessary).
bNA, not available.

Main Article

Page created: April 20, 2012
Page updated: April 20, 2012
Page reviewed: April 20, 2012
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