Volume 10, Number 3—March 2004
Neisseria meningitidis C:2b:P1.2,5 with Intermediate Resistance to Penicillin, Portugal
Distribution of 109 invasive meningococcal isolates by serogroup, serotype, serosubtype and susceptibility to penicillin
Serogroup (no. of strains) | Serotype (no. of strains) | Serotype: subtypea | No. of strains (%) | Penicillin susceptibility |
No. of strains with the same phenotype in 1995–1999b,c | ||
MIC (μg/mL) | S, IRb | ||||||
B (n = 52) |
1 (n = 12) |
1:NST |
6 (11.6) |
0.06 |
S |
1:P1.13 |
2 (3.8) |
0.06 |
S |
1:P1.14 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1:P1.15 |
1 (1.9) |
0.25 |
IR |
1:P1.4 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1:P1.9 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
2b (n = 1) |
2b:NST |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
4 (n = 16) |
4:P1.2,5 |
2 (3.8) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (1.9) |
0.125 |
IR |
4:P1.4 |
3 (5.8) |
0.06 |
S |
4:P1.6 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
4:P1.14 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (IR) |
4:P1.15 |
5 (9.6) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (S) |
2 (3.8) |
0.125 |
IR |
4:NST |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
14 (n = 2) |
14:NST |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
3 (S) |
14:P1.12 |
1 (1.9) |
0.25 |
IR |
15 (n = 6) |
15:P1.7 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
15:P1.7,16 |
5 (9.6) |
0.06 |
S |
5 (S) |
NT (n = 15) |
NT:P1.2,5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
NT:P1.6 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
2 (S) |
NT:P1.7,16 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (IR) |
NT:P1.9 |
5 (9.6) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (S) |
NT:P1.12 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
NT:P1.15 |
2 (3.8) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (S) |
1 (1.9) |
0.25 |
IR |
3 (5.8) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (IR) |
C (n = 54) |
2a (n = 2) |
2a:P1.2,5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
2 (S) |
2a:P1.5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
2b (n = 48) |
2b:P1.2 |
2 (3.7) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (IR) |
1 (1.9) |
0.125 |
IR |
1 (1.9) |
0.25 |
IR |
2b:P1.2,5 |
11 (20.4) |
0.06 |
S |
18 (3 S, 15 IR) |
10 (18.5) |
0.125 |
IR |
18 (33.3) |
0.25 |
IR |
2 (3.7) |
0.5 |
IR |
2b:P1.5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (IR) |
2b:NST |
1 (1.9) |
0.25 |
IR |
1 (IR) |
1 (1.9) |
15 (n = 1) |
15:NST |
1 (1.9) |
0.5 |
IR |
0.06 |
S |
NT (n = 3) |
NT:P1.2,5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
NT:P1.5 |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
1 (1.9) |
0.06 |
S |
W135 (n = 3) | 2a (n = 3) | 2a:P1.2,5 | 2 (66.7) |
0.06 |
S |
4 (3S, 1IR) |
1 (33.3) | 0.125 | IR |
aNT, non-serotypable; NST, non-serosubtypeable.
bS, susceptible; IR, intermediate resistance.
cPhenotypes that already existed in a strain collection isolated in nine Portuguese hospitals from January 1995 to December 1999 (n = 54) (8). Phenotypes present in the earlier collection not found in our study (unpub. data) are: B:2b:P1.5, B:4:P1.7, B:15:P1.9, B:15:P1.13, B:15:NST, B:NT:P1.14, B:NT:P1.16, C:2a:P1.14, C:2a:NST, C:4:P1.12; W135:NT:NST (n = 1 for each phenotype).
1The hospitals and principal collaborators who participated in the Meningococci Study Group were: Hospital Dr. José Maria Grande, Portalegre (V. Inês, F. Pádua); Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, Beja (F. Furtado, R. Bento); Hospital de Setúbal (T. Gouveia); Hospital Nossa Senhora do Rosário, Barreiro (M. Henriques, A. Jesus); Hospital Garcia de Orta, Almada (P. Azeredo, M.J. Águas, J. Diogo); Hospital Militar de Belém, Lisboa (M.T. Cabral); Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa (P. Valente, J. Neves, M.J. Salgado); Hospital S. Francisco Xavier, Lisboa (A. Neto, C. Lemos, F. Martins); Hospital de Dona Estefânia, Lisboa (L. Carvalho, R. Barros); Hospital Fernando Fonseca, Amadora (M.J. Brito, L. Sancho); Hospital Conde de Castro Guimarães, Cascais (M. Martins, A. Coutinho); Hospital Reynaldo dos Santos, Vila Franca de Xira (I. Fonseca, C. Tonel, M. Vasconcelos); Hospital Pediátrico-CHC, Coimbra (L. Januário); Hospital Geral dos Covões-CHC (M.J. Faria); Centro Hospitalar das Caldas da Rainha, Caldas da Rainha (C. Duarte, J. Pinto); Hospital de São Teotónio, Viseu (G. Figueiredo, L. Simões, J. Ribeiro); Hospital Padre Américo, Vale de Sousa (A. Oliveira, F. Assunção); Hospital Distrital de Aveiro, Aveiro (J. Roseta); Hospital Eduardo Santos Silva, Vila Nova de Gaia (E. Alves, P. Lopes); Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto (J. Monteiro, J. Amorim); Hospital Joaquim Urbano, Porto (A. Horta); Hospital Distrital de Bragança, Bragança (J. Marques); Hospital S. Pedro de Vila Real, Vila Real (A. Pereira, A. Castro); Hospital Distrital de Chaves, Chaves (J. Morais); Hospital de Santa Luzia, Viana do Castelo (M. de Melo, A. Martinez); Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, Ponta Delgada, Açores (C. Macedo, M. Mota, E. Carvalho); Centro Hospitalar do Funchal, Funchal, Madeira (M. Freitas, T. Afonso).