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Volume 13, Number 11—November 2007

Genetic Diversity among Clonal Lineages within Escherichia coli O157:H7 Stepwise Evolutionary Model

Peter C.H. Feng*Comments to Author , Steven R. Monday*, David W. Lacher†, Lesley Allison‡, Anja Siitonen§, Christine Keys*, Marjut Eklund§, Hideki Nagano¶, Helge Karch#, James Keen**, and Thomas S. Whittam†
Author affiliations: *Food and Drug Administration, College Park, Maryland, USA; †Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA; ‡Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland; §National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland; ¶Hokkaido Institute of Public Health, Hokkaido, Japan; #University of Munster, Munster, Germany; **US Department of Agriculture, Clay Center, Nebraska, USA;

Main Article

Table 2

Sequence type, serotype, and isolation information of strains of Escherichia coli

Sequence type Strain Source Year Serotype
65* G5101 USA 1995 O157:H7
EC96038 Japan 1996 O157:H7
EC96024 Japan 1996 O157:H7
EC97144 Japan 1997 O157:H7
TW09099 USA 2003 O157:H7
TW06290 USA 1997 O157:H7
TW06289 USA 1997 O157:H7
66 86–24 USA 1986 O157:H7
93–111 USA 1993 O157:H7
Sakai Japan 1996 O157:H7
69 EDL-933 USA 1982 O157:H7
73 C586–65 Sri Lanka 1965 O55:H7
TB182A USA 1991 O55:H7
5905 USA 1994 O55:H7
3256–97 USA 1997 O55:H7
75 493/89 Germany 1989 O157:H–
1782/88 Germany 1988 O157:H–
5412/89 Germany 1989 O157:H–
CB569 Germany 1987 O157:H–
210/89 Germany 1989 O157:H–
CB1009 Germany 1990 O157:H–
514/91 Germany 1991 O157:H–
4326/93 Germany 1993 O157:H–
IH 53440 Finland 1997 O157:H–
IH 56776 Finland 1998 O157:H–
IH 57086 Finland 1999 O157:H–
H1410 Scotland 2002 O157:H–
IH 57225 Finland 1990s O157:H–
76 IH 57201 Finland 1999 O157:H–
IH 56909 Finland 1999 O157:H–
IH 56969 Finland 1999 O157:H–
IH 56929 Finland 1999 O157:H–
H2687 Scotland 2003 O157:H–
H1085C Scotland 2003 O157:H–
H1085 3a Scotland 2003 O157:H–
H1085 1a/1 Scotland 2003 O157:H–
77 ECOR-37† USA 1970s Ont:Hnt
237 LSU-61 USA 2001 O157:H7

*Only selected β-glucuronidase positive O157:H7 strains from Japan are shown.
†Not typeable.

Main Article

Page created: July 05, 2010
Page updated: July 05, 2010
Page reviewed: July 05, 2010
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