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Volume 15, Number 4—April 2009
The Amazon Region

High Incidence of Diseases Endemic to the Amazon Region of Brazil, 2001–2006

Gerson PennaComments to Author , Luiz Felipe Pinto, Daniel Soranz, and Ruth Glatt
Author affiliations: University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil (G. Penna); Serra dos Órgãos Education Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L.F. Pinto, D. Soranz); Federal Ministry of Health, Brasília (R. Glatt)

Main Article

Table 1

Incidence indicators for 5 reportable diseases, Brazil, 2008*

Disease Indicator Criteria Method of calculation
Malaria Annual parasitic index for malaria No. positive examination results for malaria/100,000 residents in a given geographic area in the year under consideration (codes B50-B53; ICD-10). (No. positive test results for malaria/total resident population) × 100,000
Leishmaniasis Incidence rate for forms of leishmaniasis No. new and confirmed cases of leishmaniasis (all forms)/100,000 residents in the local population of a given geographic area in the year under consideration (code B55; ICD-10) (No. new/confirmed cases [all forms] among residents/total resident population) × 100,000
Dengue fever Incidence rate for dengue fever No. new dengue fever cases (classic and dengue hemorrhagic forms)/100,000 residents in the local population of a given geographic area in the year under consideration (codes A90-A91; ICD-10) (No. new/confirmed cases [all forms] among residents/total resident population) × 100,000
Leprosy† Coefficient of leprosy detection No. newly diagnosed cases/100,000 residents in the local population of a given geographic area in the year under consideration (No. new cases among residents/total resident population) × 100,000).
Tuberculosis Incidence rate for tuberculosis No. new and confirmed cases of tuberculosis (all forms)/100,000 residents in the local population of a given geographic area in the year under consideration (codes A15–A19; ICD-10) (No. new/confirmed cases [all forms] among residents/total resident population) × 100,000

*Source: Pan American Health Organization (11). ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.
†The technical control program of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance/Ministry of Health began using a multiplication factor of 100,000 population in August 2008 to make its detection rate data for leprosy comparable with the incidence data for other diseases.

Main Article

Page created: December 10, 2010
Page updated: December 10, 2010
Page reviewed: December 10, 2010
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