Volume 15, Number 8—August 2009
Challenges of Investigating Community Outbreaks of Cyclosporiasis, British Columbia, Canada
Table 1
Cyclosporiasis case definitions, British Columbia, Canada, May 1–July 31, 2007
Case type | Definition |
Confirmed | British Columbia residents who had not traveled outside Canada and the United States within 2 weeks before symptom onset and in whom Cyclospora species oocysts* were detected by microscopy on or after May 1, 2007 |
Probable | Clinical illness compatible with Cyclospora infection (i.e., watery diarrhea and/or bloating, cramps, loss of appetite, loss of weight), no travel outside Canada and the United States within 2 weeks before symptom onset, and onset of symptoms within a week of a person with whom they shared food exposures and who had a laboratory-confirmed case |
*Laboratory-confirmed cases were reported to public health by medical diagnostic laboratories and specimens forwarded for confirmation to the public health reference laboratory. The morphologic identification of Cyclospora spp. oocysts included shape (spherical), size (8–10 μm in diameter), oocyst wall (well-defined), internal contents with refractile globules, autofluorescence, and modified acid-fast or safranin staining (1).
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1British Columbia Cyclospora Investigation Team: Dan Moreau, Craig Nowakowski (Vancouver Island Health Authority); Mark Ritson, Arne Faremo (Vancouver Coastal Health Authority); Krista Wilson, Brian Gregory (Interior Health Authority); Susan Schleicher, Shendra Brisdon, Jason Stone (Fraser Health Authority); Julie Wong, Joe Fung, Linda Hoang (Provincial Health Services Authority Laboratories); and Lisa Wu (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Burnaby).