Volume 16, Number 2—February 2010
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome, Vietnam

Figure. Phylogenetic tree (CLC-Combined Workbench 3) showing partial sequences of the medium segment (nt 810–2355). The newly identified Seoul virus (SEOV) was denoted as 24D1208 (arrow). The M segment sequences of the reference strains are: SEOV strains KI-88-15 (D17594), KI-85-1 (D17593), KI-83-262 (D17592), SR11 (M34882), 80–39 (S47716), Jakarta137 (AJ620583), Haiphong port #7 (AB355728), Haiphong port #20 (AB355730), Haiphong port #16 (AB355729), Hanoi #25 (AB355733), Hanoi #9 (AB355732), Haiphong port #28 (AB355731), B-1 (X53861), BjHD01 (DQ133505), ZT71 (EF117248), ZT10 (DQ159911), K24-e7 (AF288652), K24-v2 (AF288654), HB55 (AF035832), IR461 (AF458104), Gou3-e5 (AF288650), and ZJ5 (FJ811839); Thailand virus strain 749 (L08756); Hantaan virus strains 76–118 (M14627), Hantaan (NC005219), LEE (D00377) and Hojo (D00376); Dobrava virus (DOBV) strain Dobrava (L33685); Puumala virus strain Sotkamo (X61034); Tula virus (TUV) strain Tula/Moravia/5302v/95 (Z69993); and Sin Nombre virus (SNV) strain NMH10. The numbers at the nodes are bootstrap confidence levels for 1,000 replications. Only bootstrap support values >70% are shown.