Volume 16, Number 5—May 2010
Physician Awareness of Chagas Disease, USA
Reponses to MedscapeCME knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey questions reflecting lack of knowledge about Chagas disease, by specialty*
Response | No. (%) respondents† |
Cardiology, n = 280 | Infectious disease, n = 167 | OB/GYN, n = 292 | Primary care, n = 278 | Transplantation, n = 125 | |
Never heard of Chagas disease‡ | 63 (23) | 31 (19) | 138 (47) | 38 (14) | 35 (25) |
Not at all confident of Chagas disease knowledge being up to date§ | 87 (44) | 31 (27) | 86 (68) | 101 (47) | 41 (48) |
Did not know parasite causes Chagas disease¶ | 21 (16) | 6 (5) | 42 (33) | 35 (16) | 15 (17) |
Did not know cardiac and/or gastrointestinal disease are manifestations of Chagas disease# | 15 (8) | 10 (9) | 38 (30) | 24 (11) | 11 (13) |
Never considers risk for Chagas disease in patients** | 51 (34) | 30 (29) | 66 (60) | 83 (43) | 29 (39) |
Did not know in what percentage of patients with chronic infection clinical disease develops†† | 66 (37) | 30 (28) | 60 (56) | 93 (48) | 35 (47) |
Did not know Chagas disease symptoms‡‡ | 41 (23) | 15 (14) | 53 (48) | 52 (27) | 22 (29) |
*OB/GYN, obstetrics/gynecology.
†Percentages are calculated based on number of respondents per question, by specialty.
‡Question 1: Have you heard of Chagas disease? Answer choices: yes, no.
§Question 2: How confident are you that your Chagas disease knowledge is up to date? Answer choices: very confident, confident, somewhat confident, not at all confident.
¶Question 3: Chagas disease is caused by a ___? Answer choices: bacterium, virus, parasite, fungus, I don’t know.
#Question 4: People with chronic Chagas disease may have (check all that apply)? Answer choices: cardiac conduction abnormalities, cardiomyopathy, megacolon, co-clinical manifestations, I don’t know.
**Question 5: How often do you consider the risk for Chagas disease in your patient population? Answer choices: never, rarely, sometimes, frequently, always.
††Question 6: Approximately what percentage of patients with chronic Chagas infection eventually develop clinical disease? Answer choices: <20%, 21%–40%, >40%, I don’t know.
‡‡Question 7: Chagas disease symptoms are? Answer choices: Acute for several weeks then immediately symptomatic, Acute for several weeks asymptomatic for years to decades then sometimes symptomatic, There are no symptoms of Chagas disease, I don’t know.