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Volume 4, Number 2—June 1998

Persistent Infection of Pets within a Household with Three Bartonella Species

Dorsey L. Kordick and Edward B. Breitschwerdt
Author affiliations: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA;

Main Article

Table 2

Blood culture and immunofluorescence antibody assay results

Date ID Cultureresultsa Colonycounts/ml Serologic results
Bh Bc Bvb
12/4/93 A + (Bh) 97 256 32 512
1/15/94 C + (Bc) 67 <16 <16 <16
5/25/94 A + (Bh) 13 128 16 256
C + (Bc) 113 128 <16 <16
D 256 1024 512
8/19/94 A cont 128 <16 128
C + (Bc) 240 64 <16 <16
9/18/94 F nd <16 <16 <16
12/9/94c A 32 <16 128
12/13/94 C 32 <16 64
D 128 1024 512
5/6/95d A 64 <16 64
C + (Bc) 9 32 <16 32
F <16 <16 <16
5/27/95 A 64 16 64
C <16 <16 <16
F <16 <16 <16
6/10/95 A 32 <16 64
C 32 <16 <16
F <16 <16 <16
6/22/95 A 32 <16 128
C <16 <16 32
F <16 <16 <16
7/30/95 A 32 <16 256
C 32 <16 <16
F <16 <16 <16
11/19/95 A 16 <16 256
B <16 <16 32
C 32 <16 32
D 64 <16 64
E <16 <16 256
F <16 <16 32
G 32 <16 128
I + (Bvb) >1000 128 <16 512
2/25/96 I + (Bvb) 369 64 <16 256
3/24/96 I + (Bvb) 164 32 <16 256
4/21/96 I + (Bvb) 154 16 <16 128
6/22/96 I + (Bvb) 357 16 <16 128
8/24/96 I + (Bvb) 12 <16 <16 64
10/21/96 I <16 <16 64
12/18/96 I + (Bvb) 6 16 <16 64
1/22/97 student nd 32 16 32
1/14/97 A 16 <16 128
B <16 <16 <16
C <16 <16 16
D 64 <16 64
G <16 <16 32
H 64 <16 256
1/30/97e I + (Bvb) 1 16 <16 64
3/21/97 I 16 <16 32

aBh, B. henselae; Bc, B. clarridgeiae; Bvb, B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii; cont, contaminated; nd, not done.
bND, no data.
cFour weeks before sample was drawn, the cat received amoxicillin clavulanate (62.5 mg q12h, for 10 days) for the treatment of an oral abscess.
dAfter collection of blood samples, these animals received enrofloxacin at 22.7 mg q12h for 28 days.
eAfter collection of blood samples, the dog received 28 days of doxycycline hyclate at 25 mg q12h for 28 days.

Main Article

Page created: July 21, 2010
Page updated: July 21, 2010
Page reviewed: July 21, 2010
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