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Volume 8, Number 11—November 2002
Tuberculosis Genotyping
Tuberculosis Genotyping Network, United States

Statewide Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Transmission in a Moderate- to Low-Incidence State: Are Contact Investigations Enough?

Wendy A. Cronin*Comments to Author , Jonathan E. Golub*, Monica J. Lathan†, Leonard N. Mukasa*, Nancy Hooper*, Jafar H. Razeq*, Nancy G. Baruch*, Donna Mulcahy‡, William H. Benjamin§, Laurence S. Magder¶, G. Thomas Strickland¶, and William R. Bishai#
Author affiliations: *Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; †American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., USA; ‡Alabama Department of Public Health, Montgomery, Alabama, USA; §University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA; ¶University of Maryland—Baltimore, Maryland, USA; #The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA;

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Table 1

Estimated time of infection and disease acquisition among Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture-positive patients by DNA cluster statusa

DNA cluster status of patients’ isolates No. patients with recent TB No. patients with probable recent TB No. patients with reactivated TB No. patients with unknown time of TB acquisition Totals
Clustered strains with >6 IS6110 copies 89 82 56b 42c 269
Clustered strains with <6 IS6110 copies 22 0 0 145 167
Nonclustered strains 4d 0 732 0 736
Total 115 82 788 187 1,172

aTB, tuberculosis.
bHistory of previous positive tuberculin skin test or extensive past exposure to a patient.
cFirst patient in a cluster by estimated date of symptom onset and no identified source patient.
dKnown link to another patient outside the study area or timeframe whose isolate had the same DNA fingerprint.

Main Article

Page created: July 19, 2010
Page updated: July 19, 2010
Page reviewed: July 19, 2010
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