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Volume 8, Number 9—September 2002

Behavioral, Physiologic, and Habitat Influences on the Dynamics of Puumala virus Infection in Bank Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus)

Sophie Escutenaire*Comments to Author , Patrice Chalon†, Florence de Jaegere, Lucie Karelle-Bui†, Georges Mees†, Bernard Brochier*, Francine Rozenfeld, and Paul-Pierre Pastoret†
Author affiliations: *Pasteur Institute, Brussels, Belgium; †University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; and ‡University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium;

Main Article

Table 1

Relationship between frequency of wounds and the age and sex of bank voles

Trapping season J+Sa
% wounded (total no. of animals) A
% wounded (total no. of animals) p value M
% wounded (no. of males) F
% wounded (no. of females) p value
Spring 1997 7.7 (13)b 3.4 (29) 8.3 (24) 0.0 (18)
Fall 1997 3.1 (65) 9.7 (103) 7.8 (116) 5.8 (52)
Total 1997 3.8 (78) 8.3 (132) 7.9 (140) 4.3 (70)
Spring 1998 0.0 (2) 35.6 (45) 33.3 (27) 35.0 (20)
Fall 1998 14.3 (56) 58.5 (123) p<0.01 46.7 (75) 43.3 (104)
Total 1998 13.8 (58) 52.4 (168) p<0.01 43.1 (102) 41.9 (124)
Spring 1999 6.7 (223) 34.9 (189) p<0.01 16.2 (222) 23.7 (190)
Fall 1999 19.0 (205) 46.3 (41) p<0.01; χ2=14.15 20.8 (125) 26.4 (121)
Total 1999 12.6 (428) 37.0 (230) P<0.01 17.9 (347) 24.8 (311) p=0.03; χ2=4.67

a J+S, juveniles and subadults; A, adults; M, males; F, females.

Main Article

Page created: July 16, 2010
Page updated: July 16, 2010
Page reviewed: July 16, 2010
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