Volume 9, Number 1—January 2003
Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks in Europe, 1995–2000
Table 1
Sources of information of viral gastroenteritis surveillance systems in the Foodborne Viruses in Europe network
Country |
Sources of outbreak data |
Diagnostic microbiology laboratory | Food safety inspectorate | Physician/ patient reports | Local/regional public health authority | Type of outbreaks reported | |
Denmark |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Food/waterborne |
France |
Yes |
Yes |
Food/waterborne |
England and Wales |
Yes |
All |
Italy |
Yes |
All |
Finland |
Yesa |
All |
Sweden |
Yes |
All |
Germany |
Yes |
Yesb |
All |
Slovenia |
Yes |
Yes |
All |
Spain |
Yes |
Yes |
All |
the Netherlandsc | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Alld |
aParticipant is sole laboratory performing viral testing, and coordination is conducted at National Public Health Laboratory and National Food Administration.
bNorovirus became a reported disease in January 2000. From 1997 to 2000, reports from local health departments were collected unsystematically.
cDutch national data were collected from three systems: notification system, food safety inspectorate, and laboratory-based system (from diagnostic microbiology laboratories, local/regional public health authorities, physician/patient reports, and other institutions in which outbreaks occurred).
dFoodborne only for systems 1 and 2.
1On behalf of the Foodborne Viruses in Europe group, which includes: the Netherlands: M. Koopmans, H. Vennena, Y. van Duynhoven, and M.A. Widdowson,; Finland: K.-H. von Bonsdorff, L. Maunula; Denmark: B. Böttiger, K. Mølbak, F.X. Hanon; Sweden: L. Svensson, K.-O. Hedlund, Maria Thorvag, Juan Carrique-Mas; United Kingdom: D. Brown, M. Reacher, J. Green, B. Lopman; Germany: E. Schreier, H. Gelderblom, Andrea Ammon; Spain: A. Sanchez-Faquier, G. Hernández-Pezzi, A. Bosch, J. Buesa; France: F. LeGuyader, P. Pothier, E. Kohli; Italy: F. Ruggeri, D. DeMedici; and Slovenia: M. Poljsak-Prijatelj, A. Hocevar-Grom.