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Volume 9, Number 11—November 2003

Pulmonary Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in Captive Siberian Tiger

Ákos Lantos*, Stefan Niemann†, László Mezősi‡, Endre Sós‡, Károly Erdélyi§, Sándor Dávid¶, Linda M. Parsons#**, Tanja Kubica†, Sabine Rüsch-Gerdes†, and Ákos Somoskövi*Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary; †National Reference Center for Mycobacteria, Borstel, Germany; ‡Budapest Zoological and Botanical Garden, Budapest, Hungary; §Central Veterinary Institute, Budapest, Hungary; ¶Korányi National Institute for Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, Budapest, Hungary; #New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York, USA; **University at Albany, Albany, New York, USA

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Figure 1

Obtaining a tracheal washing of the Siberian tiger by bronchoscopy.

Figure 1. Obtaining a tracheal washing of the Siberian tiger by bronchoscopy.

Main Article

Page created: March 02, 2011
Page updated: March 02, 2011
Page reviewed: March 02, 2011
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