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Volume 9, Number 11—November 2003

Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Campylobacter Absent from Isolates, Australia

Leanne Unicomb*Comments to Author , John Ferguson†, Thomas V Riley‡, and Peter Collignon§
Author affiliations: *OzFoodNet, Newcastle, Australia; †University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; ‡Western Australian Centre for Pathology & Medical Research, Perth, Australia; §The Canberra Hospital, Garran, Australia

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Fluoroquinolone resistance data for Australian Campylobacter isolates

Study location Isolate source and collection period Total no. tested Proportiona of fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates (%)
Locally acquired Overseas acquired Unknown acquisition status
New South Wales
Human feces
0/144 (0)
3c/7 (43)
2c/29 (6.9)
Western Australia
Human feces

0/46 (0)
Australian Capital Territory Human feces/blood 2001–2002 140d 3 0/137 (0)

aNo. of resistant isolates by acquisition status/total no. isolates tested in acquisition status category.
bTesting by agar dilution, Mueller-Hinton agar with 5% lysed sheep blood (7).
cResistant to ciprofloxacin (MIC > 4 mg/L).
dTesting by disc-susceptibility method (8)..

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Page created: January 21, 2011
Page updated: January 21, 2011
Page reviewed: January 21, 2011
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