Emerging Infectious Diseases 20-year Timeline, First Issue
The first issue of the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal was released in February 1995 --A quarterly that covered the period of January–March. The journal remained a quarterly until 1999. At which time it expanded to a bimonthly publication.
The lead article, Emerging Infections: Getting Ahead of the Curve was written by David Satcher, director of CDC at the time.
Dr. Satcher begins his perspective with these still-timely words-- important to the continuing mission of communicating about emerging infectious diseases 20 years later:
“Infectious diseases have plagued humans since the dawn of civilization. The history of these diseases provides a valuable perspective for evaluating current trends.”
This article was followed by a perspective from Dr. Steven Morse, Perspectives section editor of the EID journal at the time. He was also assistant professor of virology at The Rockefeller University in New York. Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases.
“Infectious diseases emerging throughout history have included some of the most feared plagues of the past. New infections continue to emerge today, while many of the old plagues are with us still. These are global problems.”
The inaugural issue contained 11 articles covering additional topics such as:
An Outbreak of Shigella sonnei Infection Associated with Consumption of Iceberg Lettuce
Lyme Disease in Australia-Still To Be Proven!
The iconic EID cover art and accompanying essays were not a part of the EID journal yet. Art did not appear for two more years.