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Volume 11, Number 8—August 2005

Human Coronavirus NL63, France

Astrid Vabret*Comments to Author , Thomas Mourez*, Julia Dina*, Lia van der Hoek†, Stéphanie Gouarin*, Joëlle Petitjean*, Jacques Brouard*, and François Freymuth*
Author affiliations: *University Hospital, Caen, France; †University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Main Article

Figure 2

Number of human coronavirus NL63–positive samples per month. Fifty samples from patients hospitalized for acute respiratory symptoms were tested each month.

Figure 2. . Number of human coronavirus NL63–positive samples per month. Fifty samples from patients hospitalized for acute respiratory symptoms were tested each month.

Main Article

Page created: April 23, 2012
Page updated: April 23, 2012
Page reviewed: April 23, 2012
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