Volume 12, Number 1—January 2006
Estimating Influenza Hospitalizations among Children
Figure 1
![Capture-recapture estimation using data from 2 independent sources. The first surveillance system (New Vaccine Surveillance Network [NVSN]) captured n1 cases. The second system (Emerging Infections Program [EIP]) captured n2 cases, including m2 cases already captured by NVSN (matched cases). The Peterson estimator of N (total cases) is [[INLINEGRAPHIC('05-0308-M1')]]= n1 × n2/m2. The Peterson estimate implies that the estimated number of cases missed by both systems (z) = (b × c)/(a); where b is](/eid/images/05-0308-F1.gif)
Figure 1. Capture-recapture estimation using data from 2 independent sources. The first surveillance system (New Vaccine Surveillance Network [NVSN]) captured n1 cases. The second system (Emerging Infections Program [EIP]) captured n2 cases, including m2 cases already captured by NVSN (matched cases). The Peterson estimator of N (total cases) is

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Page created: February 16, 2012
Page updated: February 16, 2012
Page reviewed: February 16, 2012
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