Volume 12, Number 1—January 2006
Cell-mediated Protection in Influenza Infection
Conservation of human NP and M1 epitopes between H1N1 PR8 and 3 human isolates of H5N1 viruses (A/Hong Kong/156/1997, A/Hong Kong/213/2003, and A/Vietnam/1203/2004)*
Epitope | HLA restriction | PR8 sequence | Conservation |
NP 383–391 | B*2705 | SRYWAIRTR | 3/3 identical |
NP 418–426 | B*3501 | LPFDRTTIM | 0/3 identical |
NP 44–52 | A*01 | CTELKLSDY | 2/3 identical (156 Y9Q) |
NP 265–273 | A*03 | ILRGSVAHK | 3/3 identical |
NP 188–198 | A*1101 | TMVMELVRMIK | 3/3 V7I mutation |
NP 380–388 | B*08 | ELRSRYWAI | 3/3 identical |
NP 174–184 | B*2705 | RRSGAAGAAVK | 2/3 identical (156 V10I) |
M1 58–66 | A*0201 | GILGFVFTL | 3/3 identical |
M1 27–35 | A*03 | RLEDVFAGK | 2/3 mutated (1203, 213 both R1K) |
M1 13–21 | A*1101 | SIIPSGPLK | 3/3 identical |
*All 3 isolates were compared to the mouse-adapted PR8 strain and differences are reported. Sequences obtained from the Influenza Sequence Database (55). NP, nucleoprotein; HLA, human leukocyte antigen.
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Page created: February 16, 2012
Page updated: February 16, 2012
Page reviewed: February 16, 2012
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