Volume 12, Number 10—October 2006
Novel Chikungunya Virus Variant in Travelers Returning from Indian Ocean Islands
Figure 3
![Phylogenetic analysis of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) isolates based on a 1,044-nucleotide (nt) fragment between nt 10243 and 11286 (numbered after strain Ross [accession no. AF490259]) in the E1 gene. Distances and groupings between the 3 Indian Ocean isolates and 18 isolates previously characterized (23) were determined by the Jukes-Cantor algorithm and neighbor-joining method with the MEGA software program (25). Bootstrap values >75% are indicated and correspond to 500 replications. The main](/eid/images/06-0610-F3.gif)
Figure 3. Phylogenetic analysis of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) isolates based on a 1,044-nucleotide (nt) fragment between nt 10243 and 11286 (numbered after strain Ross [accession no. AF490259]) in the E1 gene. Distances and groupings between the 3 Indian Ocean isolates and 18 isolates previously characterized (23) were determined by the Jukes-Cantor algorithm and neighbor-joining method with the MEGA software program (25). Bootstrap values >75% are indicated and correspond to 500 replications. The main evolutionary lineages, East/Central African (brown), eastern/southern Africa (red), West African (blue), and Asian (yellow), are indicated. The Indian Ocean sublineage is indicated in orange. Boldface indicates sequence determined in this study.
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1These authors contributed equally to this study.