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Volume 12, Number 2—February 2006

Nipah Virus-associated Encephalitis Outbreak, Siliguri, India

Mandeep Chadha*, James A. Comer†, Luis Lowe†, Paul A. Rota†Comments to Author , Pierre E. Rollin†, William J. Bellini†, Thomas G. Ksiazek†, and Akhilesh C. Mishra*
Author affiliations: *National Institute of Virology, Pune, India; †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Main Article

Figure 3

Comparison of partial N-gene nucleotide sequences obtained from the Siliguri specimens (by patient number, see Table) to sequences obtained from Nipah virus isolates from Bangladesh (AY988601) and Malaysia (AF212302, AF376747). Letters indicate positions that differ from the reference sequence on the top line, Nipah-malaysia-1. Dots indicate nucleotide identity. R indicates A or G.

Figure 3. Comparison of partial N-gene nucleotide sequences obtained from the Siliguri specimens (by patient number, see Table) to sequences obtained from Nipah virus isolates from Bangladesh (AY988601) and Malaysia (AF212302, AF376747). Letters indicate positions that differ from the reference sequence on the top line, Nipah-malaysia-1. Dots indicate nucleotide identity. R indicates A or G.

Main Article

Page created: February 02, 2012
Page updated: February 02, 2012
Page reviewed: February 02, 2012
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