Volume 12, Number 8—August 2006
Bocavirus Infection in Hospitalized Children, South Korea
Figure 2

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of Korean (KR-MN), Swedish (st), Jordanian (Jord), French (MP), USA (CRD2), and Japanese (JPBS) NP1 gene sequences from human bocavirus strains presented on a topology tree prepared in MEGA3.1. Nucleotide alignment of a 310-bp portion of the NP1 gene was prepared by using BioEdit v7.0. The nucleotide distance matrix was generated with Kimura 2-parameter estimation. Nodal confidence values indicate the results of bootstrap resampling (n = 1,000). GenBank accession nos. B19 (human erythrovirus B19, DQ408301); MVC (canine minute virus, NC_004442); st1 (HBoV strain st1, DQ000495); st2 (HBoV strain st2, DQ000496); Jord37 (AB243566); Jord133 (AB243567); Jord189 (AB243568); Jord319 (AB243570); JPBS03-98 (DQ296618); JPBS03-182 (DQ296620); JPBS05-52 (DQ296635); MPT1 (AM109958); MPT6 (AM109964); CRD2 (DQ340570).