Volume 13, Number 1—January 2007
Epidemics after Natural Disasters
Principles for management of dead bodies*
• Mass management of dead bodies is often based on the false belief that they represent an epidemic hazard if not buried or burned immediately. |
• Burial is preferable to cremation in mass casualty situations. |
• Every effort should be made to identify the bodies. Mass burial should be avoided if at all possible. |
• Families should have the opportunity (and access to materials) to conduct culturally appropriate funerals and burials according to social custom. |
• Where existing facilities such as graveyards or crematoria are inadequate, alternative locations or facilities should be provided. |
• For workers routinely handling bodies, ensure |
• Universal precautions for blood and body fluids |
• Use and correct disposal of gloves |
• Use of body bags if available |
• Hand-washing with soap after handling bodies and before eating |
• Disinfection of vehicles and equipment |
• Bodies do not need disinfection before disposal (except in cases of cholera, shigellosis, or hemorrhagic fever) |
• Bottom of any grave is >1.5 m above the water table, with a 0.7-m unsaturated zone |
*Adapted from Morgan (3).
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Page created: June 28, 2010
Page updated: June 28, 2010
Page reviewed: June 28, 2010
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