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Volume 13, Number 1—January 2007

Gastroenteritis Caused by Norovirus GGII.4, the Netherlands, 1994–2005

J. Joukje Siebenga*†Comments to Author , Harry Vennema*, Erwin Duizer*, and Marion P.G. Koopmans*†
Author affiliations: *National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands; †Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands;

Main Article


A) Number of norovirus outbreaks reported per month in the Netherlands, 1994–2005. B) Total no. of outbreaks per season and fraction of GGII.4 outbreaks reported in the Netherlands. Total no. is indicated by the solid line, no. of GGII.4 outbreaks by the dotted line (values on left y-axis), bars indicate percentage of GGII.4 outbreaks of the total no. (values on right y-axis), and arrows indicate epidemic seasons. Seasons run from July through June. C) Total no. of genotypes (Gts) circulating per season. Shading of the bar indicates the percentage of GGII.4, ranging from white (0%–20%), in steps of 20%, to black (80%–100%).

Figure. A) Number of norovirus outbreaks reported per month in the Netherlands, 1994–2005. B) Total no. of outbreaks per season and fraction of GGII.4 outbreaks reported in the Netherlands. Total no. is indicated by the solid line, no. of GGII.4 outbreaks by the dotted line (values on left y-axis), bars indicate percentage of GGII.4 outbreaks of the total no. (values on right y-axis), and arrows indicate epidemic seasons. Seasons run from July through June. C) Total no. of genotypes (Gts) circulating per season. Shading of the bar indicates the percentage of GGII.4, ranging from white (0%–20%), in steps of 20%, to black (80%–100%).

Main Article

Page created: July 01, 2010
Page updated: July 01, 2010
Page reviewed: July 01, 2010
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