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Volume 14, Number 3—March 2008

Mycobacterium xenopi Clinical Relevance and Determinants, the Netherlands

Jakko van Ingen*†Comments to Author , Martin J. Boeree*, Wiel C.M. de Lange*, Wouter Hoefsloot*, Saar A. Bendien*, Cecile Magis-Escurra*, Richard Dekhuijzen*, and Dick van Soolingen†
Author affiliations: *Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; †National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands;

Main Article

Table 1

Baseline population characteristics of 49 patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial infection, the Netherlands, January 1999 through March 2005*

Characteristic ATS+ (n = 25) ATS– (n = 24) Total (%)
Male sex 19 18 37 (76)
Mean age, y 60 60 60
Dutch origin
44 (90)
Concurrent and predisposing conditions
Pre-existing pulmonary disease 21 18 39 (80)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 17 14 31 (63)
Lung cancer 1 3 4 (8)
Prior tuberculosis 0 2 2 (4)
Recurrent pulmonary infection† 5 2 7 (14)
Bronchiectasis 2 4 6 (12)
Smoker, current/ past 15/ 6 11/ 3 35 (71)
Alcohol abuse 2 3 5 (10)
High-dose steroid use‡ 3 5 8 (16)
HIV infection 2 5 7 (14)
Mean CD4 count in HIV-infected patients, cells/mL 226 126 159
Hematologic malignancy 0 1 1 (2)
Otherwise impaired immunity§
3 (6)
Signs and symptoms
Productive cough 21 20 41 (84)
Hemoptysis 5 4 9 (18)
Dyspnea 14 9 23 (47)
Fever 11 6 17 (35)
Weight loss 12 7 19 (39)
26 (53)
Chest radiographic abnormalities
Infiltrate 15 12 27 (55)
Cavity 12¶ 3 15 (31)
Pleural thickening 3 4 7 (14)
Emphysema 9 9 18 (37)
Space-occupying lesion 1 3 4 (8)

*ATS+, American Thoracic Society diagnostic criteria for nontuberculous mycobacterialinfection met; ATS–, ATS diagnostic criteria for nontuberculous mycobacterial infection not met.
†>3 requiring treatment in 6 months before primary Mycobacteria xenopi culture.
>15 mg prednisone/day for >3 months before primary M. xenopi culture.
§Diabetes mellitus, cisplatinum chemotherapy, anorexia nervosa (all n = 1).
¶Significant association (odds ratio 14.3, 95% confidence interval 2.7–75.6, p = 0.001).

Main Article

Page created: July 07, 2010
Page updated: July 07, 2010
Page reviewed: July 07, 2010
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