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Volume 16, Number 12—December 2010

Proportion of Deaths and Clinical Features in Bundibugyo Ebola Virus Infection, Uganda

Adam MacNeilComments to Author , Eileen C. Farnon, Joseph F. Wamala, Sam Okware, Deborah L. Cannon, Zachary Reed, Jonathan S. Towner, Jordan W. Tappero, Julius Lutwama, Robert Downing, Stuart T. Nichol, Thomas G. Ksiazek, and Pierre E. Rollin
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (A. MacNeil, E.C. Farnon, D.L. Cannon, Z. Reed, J.S. Towner, S.T. Nichol, T.G. Ksiazek, P.E. Rollin); Ministry of Health, Republic of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda (J. Wamala, S. Okware); Global AIDS Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Entebbe, Uganda (J.W. Tappero, R. Downing); Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe (J. Lutwama); University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA (T.G. Ksiazek)

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Demographic characteristics and signs and symptoms for 56 case-patients who had laboratory-confirmed EHF, Bundibugyo District, Uganda, in 2007*

Characteristic Case-patients confirmed by acute-phase sample, n = 43
Total no. confirmed case-patients, n = 56
No. survived, n = 26 No. died, n = 17 p value
Mean age, y (range) 33 (12–50) 42(20–70) 0.039† 37.4 (11–70)
Male sex (%) 16 (62) 8 (47) >0.100‡ 30 (54)
Mean incubation period, d (95% CI)§
5.7 (4.4–7.0)
7.4 (5.4–9.3)
6.3 (5.2–7.3)
Signs and symptoms, no. reporting/no. available (%)¶
  Fever 26/26 (100) 16/16 (100) >0.100 55/55 (100)
  Fatigue 22/23 (96) 14/14 (100) >0.100 49/50 (98)
  Headache 21/25 (84) 14/15 (93) >0.100 48/53 (91)
  Nausea/vomiting 24/26 (92) 13/15 (87) >0.100 48/54 (89)
  Abdominal pain 23/26 (88) 13/14 (93) >0.100 47/53 (89)
  Muscle/joint pain 19/23 (83) 12/14 (86) >0.100 44/50 (88)
  Diarrhea 24/26 (92) 13/15 (87) >0.100 47/54 (87)
  Anorexia/weight loss 19/23 (83) 12/15 (80) >0.100 43/51 (84)
  Difficulty swallowing 10/23 (43) 6/15 (60) >0.100 27/51 (53)
  Rash 9/26 (35) 5/15 (33) >0.100 25/54 (46)
  Difficulty breathing 6/23 (26) 8/14 (57) 0.085 23/50 (46)
  Hiccups 4/23 (17) 6/15 (40) >0.100 16/51 (31)
  Bleeding# 11/26 (42) 9/17 (53) >0.100 30/56 (54)

*EHF, Ebola hemorrhagic fever; CI, confidence interval.
†By 2-sample t-test.
‡By χ2 test.
§For case-patients reporting contact with a confirmed case-patient, or contact with case-patient X (see text for full description), based on time from last reported contact with case-patient to development of signs and symptoms (n = 16 for case-patients in Survived column; n = 8 for case-patients in Died column; n = 24 for all confirmed case-patients).
¶No. case-patients reporting the sign or symptom/no. case-patients with information available about presence of that the sign or symptom. p value was determined by Fisher exact test in which a comparison was made between the proportion of case-patients who survived vs. those who died.
#At least 1 of the following manifestations: bleeding from injection site, gums, eyes, nose, vagina; black or bloody stool; bloody vomitus; hematuria.

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Page created: August 29, 2011
Page updated: August 29, 2011
Page reviewed: August 29, 2011
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