Volume 16, Number 5—May 2010
Molecular Epidemiology of Japanese Encephalitis Virus, Taiwan

Figure. Phylogenetic tree showing the genetic relationship among Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) isolates. The tree was constructed on the basis of complete envelope (E) nucleotide sequences of JEV strains. Sequences obtained in this study are indicated in boldface. Genotypes are indicated on the right. Viruses were identified by using the nomenclature of virus/country/strain/source/year of isolation/GenBank accession number. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of isolates that showed 100% nucleotide homology. Isolates with the same sequences were collected at the same time from the same location in this study. Analysis was performed by using MEGA 4 software (www.megasoftware.net) and neighbor-joining (maximum composite likelihood) methods. Bootstrap support values >75 are shown (1,000 replicates). CH, Changhua County; HL, Hualien County; KH, Kaohsiung County; TC, Taichung County; TN, Tainan County; TP, Taipei County; TPC, Taipei City; TY, Taoyuan County; YL, Yilan County; M, mosquito pool; p, pig serum; H, human sample. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.