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Volume 17, Number 12—December 2011

Transmission of Guanarito and Pirital Viruses among Wild Rodents, Venezuela

Mary L. Milazzo, Maria N.B. Cajimat, Gloria Duno, Freddy Duno, Antonio Utrera, and Charles F. FulhorstComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA (M.L. Milazzo, M.N.B. Cajimat, C.F. Fulhorst); Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, Region Sanitaria del Estado Portuguesa, Guanare, Venezuela (G. Duno, F. Duno); Universidad Nacional Experimental de Los Llanos Occidentales “Ezequiel Zamora,” Guanare (A. Utrera)

Main Article

Table 2

Prevalence of Guanarito virus infection in short-tailed cane mice (Zygodontomys brevicauda) and Pirital virus infection in Alston’s cotton rats (Sigmodon alstoni) captured on Hato Maporal, municipality of Guanarito, Portuguesa State, Venezuela, February 1997

Size class*
Short-tailed cane mice, no. infected/no. tested†
Alston’s cotton rats, no. infected/no. tested‡
I 1/5 0/2 1/7 5/6 3/3 8/9
II 2/8 5/15 7/23 6/8 3/8 9/16
III 9/13 7/13 16/26 6/11 7/9 13/20
IV 2/3 5/5 7/8 3/7 3/4 6/11
Total 14/29 17/35 31/64 20/32 16/24 36/56

*The boundaries of the size classes were based on analyses of nose-to-rump lengths (measured in mm). Male cane mice: I, 75.0–100.9; II, 101.0–117.1; III, 117.2–133.4; IV, 133.5–147.0. Female cane mice: I, 64.0–99.0; II, 99.1–111.2; III, 111.3–123.4; IV, 123.5–135.0. Male cotton rats: I, 89.0–105.6; II, 105.6–123.6; III, 123.6–141.6; IV, 141.6–150.0. Female cotton rats: I, 83.0–100.8; II, 100.8–119.6; III, 119.6–138.4; IV, 138.4–146.0.
†Guanarito virus (GTOV) was isolated from 29 cane mice. Antibody against GTOV was found in 11 of the 29 culture-positive cane mice and 2 of the 35 culture-negative cane mice.
‡Pirital virus (PIRV) was isolated from all of the infected cotton rats, and antibody against PIRV was found in 1 of the culture-positive cotton rats. The table does not include FHV-4149, the only cotton rat infected with GTOV.

Main Article

Page created: November 30, 2011
Page updated: November 30, 2011
Page reviewed: November 30, 2011
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