Volume 17, Number 3—March 2011
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Respiratory Tract Infections, Eastern Asia
Table 2
Clinical relevance of NTM species isolated from pulmonary samples collected in Asia, by country, 1971–2007*
Study area | No. patients | Patients for whom NTM infection was considered clinically relevant, % | Criteria used (year of revision) | Reference |
Hong Kong | 168 | 17 | ATS criteria (1990) | (6) |
Japan | 357 | 76† | ATS criteria (1997) | (16) |
South Korea | 794 | 17 | ATS criteria (1997) | (21) |
South Korea | 23 | 65‡ | BTS criteria (1999) | (23) |
Singapore | 23 | 65 | Compatible signs and symptoms, >3 positive sputum specimens, and radiographic features of recent lung disease | (25) |
Taiwan | 111 | 9 | ATS criteria (1990) | (28) |
Taiwan | 169 | 28§ | NTM in >2 samples, new radiographic lesions ,and no other pathogens (definite) or other concomitant bacteria (probable NTM) found | (29) |
Thailand | 33 | 76 | NTM in sample(s); compatible signs, symptoms, and radiographic features; and no other explanation | (30) |
Thailand | 24 | 29 | Continued NTM isolation, progressive pulmonary disease, and worsening radiographic lesions | (32) |
Thailand | 42 | 71 | Repeated isolation of high numbers of NTM and presence of compatible disease process | (33) |
*NTM, nontuberculous mycobacterium; ATS, American Thoracic Society (1); BTS, British Thoracic Society.
†Only Mycobacterium avium complex bacteria were included in this study.
‡Only M. kansasii was included.
§14% if only definite NTM were included.
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Page created: July 25, 2011
Page updated: July 25, 2011
Page reviewed: July 25, 2011
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