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Volume 17, Number 3—March 2011

Novel Picornavirus in Turkey Poults with Hepatitis, California, USA

Kirsi S. Honkavuori, H. L. Shivaprasad, Thomas BrieseComments to Author , Craig Street, David L. Hirschberg, Stephen K. Hutchison, and W. Ian Lipkin
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: Columbia University, New York, New York, USA (K.S. Honkavuori, T. Briese, C. Street, D.L. Hirschberg, W.I. Lipkin); California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System, Tulare, California, USA (H.L. Shivaprasad); 454 Life Sciences, Branford, Connecticut, USA (S.K. Hutchison)

Main Article

Table 2

Real-time PCR measurement of viral sequences in samples from turkey poults with turkey viral hepatitis compared with controls, California, USA, 2008–2010*

Poult no. Age, d Sample Ct Virus copies†
2641.1 29 Cloacal swab 21.68 2.28 × 107
Bile 31.44 7.58 × 104
Serum 43.12 1.2 × 102
2641.2 29 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
Bile 32.5 4.04 × 104
Serum 38.04 1.67 × 103
2641.3 29 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
Bile 28.60 3.84 × 105
Serum 34.18 1.55 × 104
2641.4 29 Cloacal swab 30.6 1.21 × 105
Bile 27.72 6.48 × 105
Serum 41.06 3.06 × 102
2641.5 29 Cloacal swab 28.11 5.09 × 105
Bile 32.8 5.84 × 104
Serum 41.33 2.71 × 102
394.1 28 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
Serum 43.27 8.17 × 101
394.2 28 Cloacal swab 40.7 4.55 × 102
Serum >44‡ Neg
394.3 28 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
Serum >44‡ Neg
394.4 28 Cloacal swab 29.62 2.14 × 105
Serum >44‡ Neg
394.5 28 Serum >44‡ Neg
394.6 28 Serum >44‡ Neg
394.7 28 Serum >44‡ Neg
394.8 28 Serum >44‡ Neg
394. 9 28 Serum 31.07 9.34 × 104
3302.1 39 Serum 36.38 3.08 × 103
3302.2 39 Serum >44‡ Neg
3302.3 39 Serum >44‡ Neg
2491.1 32 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
2491.2 32 Cloacal swab 25.67 2.2 × 106
2491.3 32 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
2491.4 32 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
2491.5 32 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
2491.6 32 Cloacal swab 34.74 1.11 × 104
407.1 39 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
407.2 39 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
407.3 39 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg
407.4 39 Cloacal swab >44‡ Neg

*Ct, cycle threshold; neg, negative.
†In 300 ng total RNA. Copy numbers were calculated on the basis of a standard curve generated from cloned target sequences.
‡Ct >44 was rated as negative on the basis of the highest dilution of standard representing 5 copies.

Main Article

Page created: July 25, 2011
Page updated: July 25, 2011
Page reviewed: July 25, 2011
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