Volume 19, Number 10—October 2013
Immunogenic Mycobacterium africanum Strains Associated with Ongoing Transmission in The Gambia
Figure 2

Figure 2. . Linear regression analysis showing correlation between average quantitative purified protein derivative (PPD) response and recent transmission index (RTIn−1) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates, The Gambia, 2002–2007. Open diamonds and dashed line, M. tuberculosis sensu stricto, including Euro-American (EA) lineage (R2 = 0.606); open squares and dotted line, M. tuberculosis EA lineage (R2 = 0.7272); black circles and solid line, M. africanum Afri_1 lineage (R2 = 0.7732). sfu, spot-forming units.
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Reference has only first page number. Please provide the last page number if article is longer than one page. (in reference 12 "Reyes, Francis, Tanaka, 2008").