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Volume 19, Number 5—May 2013

Tuberculosis Exposure among Evacuees at a Shelter after Earthquake, Japan, 2011

Hajime KanamoriComments to Author , Noboru Aso, Satoko Tadano, Miyoko Saito1, Hiroo Saito, Bine Uchiyama, Noriomi Ishibashi, Shinya Inomata, Shiro Endo, Tetsuji Aoyagi, Masumitsu Hatta, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Yoshiaki Gu, Koichi Tokuda, Hisakazu Yano, Hiroyuki Kunishima, Yoichi Hirakata, Takao Saijyo2, Miho Kitagawa, and Mitsuo Kaku
Author affiliations: Miyagi Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center, Kurihara, Japan (H. Kanamori, N. Aso, H. Saito, B. Uchiyama, Y. Hirakata); Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan (H. Kanamori, H. Saito, N. Ishibashi, S. Inomata, S. Endo, T. Aoyagi, M. Hatta, M. Yamada, Y. Gu, K. Tokuda, H. Yano, H. Kunishima, M. Kitagawa, M. Kaku); Miyagi Prefectural Government Kesennuma Public Health Center, Kesennuma, Japan (S. Tadano, M. Saito, T. Saijyo)

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Sample results from investigation of TB exposure among evacuees at shelter and relatives who had contact with index case-patient after earthquake, Japan, 2011*

Contact type Age, y/sex TB screening†
Type Result
Evacuee‡ 85/M NA NA Follow-up
Evacuee‡ 57/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee‡ 32/M IGRA Negative Complete
Family 57/M IGRA Negative Complete
Family 55/F IGRA Negative Complete
Family 30/M IGRA Negative Complete
Family 32/F IGRA Negative Complete
Family 11/F IGRA Negative Complete
Family 4/F TST Positive Follow-up
Family <1/F TST Negative LTBI treatment
Evacuee 64/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 61/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 29/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 56/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 86/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 48/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 54/F IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 63/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 73/M IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 59/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 60/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 56/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 63/M IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 60/F IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 74/M IGRA Positive Follow-up
Evacuee 67/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 73/M IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 40/M IGRA Borderline Follow-up
Evacuee 38/F IGRA Negative Complete
Patient 81/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 76/M IGRA Positive Follow-up
Evacuee 70/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 65/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 62/F IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 43/M IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 75/F IGRA Negative Complete
Family 28/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 73/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 62/F IGRA Positive Follow-up
Evacuee 91/F IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 91/F IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 78/M IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 79/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 49/M IGRA Positive LTBI treatment
Evacuee 38/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 70/M IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 66/F IGRA Borderline LTBI treatment
Evacuee 42/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 13/F IGRA Negative Complete
Evacuee 7/M TST Positive Follow-up
Evacuee 74/F IGRA Negative Complete
Patient 96/F IGRA Negative Complete

*A complete list of contact persons is available in the expanded Table online ( Contact persons were 50 evacuees (3 family members and 47 others) at the shelter, 8 family members at the index case-patient’s daughter’s home, 2 health care personnel (rescue worker and doctor) who rode with the patient in an ambulance, and 2 patients admitted to the same room as the index case-patient in the hospital. TB, tuberculosis; NA, not available; IGRA, interferon-γ release assay; TST, tuberculin skin test; LTBI, latent tuberculosis infection; border, borderline.
†TST or IGRA results were not available for 2 contacts; 1 refused to receive IGRA, and 1 did not undergo testing because of advanced age. IGRA results were evaluated according to the Japanese guideline for using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (4).
‡Family member of index case-patient.

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1Current affiliation: Miyagi Prefectural Government Osaki Public Health Center, Osaki, Japan.

2Current affiliation: Miyagi Prefectural Government Mental Health and Welfare Center, Osaki, Japan.

Page created: April 03, 2013
Page updated: April 03, 2013
Page reviewed: April 03, 2013
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