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Volume 2, Number 4—October 1996

Guarding Against the Most Dangerous Emerging Pathogens: Insights from Evolutionary Biology

Paul W. EwaldComments to Author 
Author affiliation: Department of Biology, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

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Table 1

Categories of pathogens that pose threats of being stably harmful in human populations because of reduced dependence on host mobility

Characteristics allowing transmission from immobile hosts
Association with lethality
arthropod-borne transmission lethality higher among arthopod-borne pathogens than among directly transmitted pathogens (16)
water-borne transmission lethality of diarrheal bacteria correlated with tendencies for waterborne transmission (42)
attendant-borne transmission lethality of E. coli correlated with duration of attendant-borne cycling (20, 41)
durability in the external environment
lethality of respiratory-tract pathogens correlated with durability
* B. A. Walther and P. W. Ewald, unpublished manuscript

Main Article

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Page created: December 21, 2010
Page updated: December 21, 2010
Page reviewed: December 21, 2010
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