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Volume 20, Number 6—June 2014

Identification of Possible Virulence Marker from Campylobacter jejuni Isolates

James W. Harrison, Tran Thi Ngoc Dung, Fariha Siddiqui, Sunee Korbrisate, Habib Bukhari, My Phan Vu Tra, Nguyen Van Minh Hoang, Juan Carrique-Mas, Juliet Bryant, James I. Campbell, David J. Studholme, Brendan W. Wren, Stephen Baker, Richard W. Titball, and Olivia L. ChampionComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of Exeter, Exeter, UK (J.W. Harrison, D.J. Studholme, R.W. Titball, O.L. Champion); The Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (T.T.N. Dung, M.P.V. Tra, N.V.M. Hoang, J. Carrique-Mas, J. Bryant, J.I. Campbell, S. Baker); Comsats University, Islamabad, Pakistan (F. Siddiqui, H. Bukhari); Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (S. Korbrisate); University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (J. Carrique-Mas, J. Bryant, J.I. Campbell, S. Baker); London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK (B.W. Wren)

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Figure 1

Distribution of the type-six secretion system (T6SS) marker across the phylogenetic diversity of Campylobacter jejuni strains, as determined by multilocus sequence analysis. We generated a maximum-likelihood tree from concatenated nucleotide alignments of 31 housekeeping genes; nucleotide sequences were aligned by using MUSCLE ( and masked by using GBLOCKS ( Maximum-likelihood analysis was done by using the GTR model in

Figure 1. Distribution of the type-six secretion system (T6SS) marker across the phylogenetic diversity of Campylobacter jejuni strains, as determined by multilocus sequence analysisWe generated a maximum-likelihood tree from concatenated nucleotide alignments of 31 housekeeping genes; nucleotide sequences were aligned by using MUSCLE ( and masked by using GBLOCKS ( analysis was done by using the GTR model in PhyML ( on nodes denote bootstrap values (1,000 bootstrap replicates); values <50 are not shownBlack circles indicate strains whose genomes were sequenced in this study (GenBank accession nosAUUQ00000000, AUUP00000000, AUUO00000000, AUUN00000000, AUUM00000000, AUUL00000000, AUUK00000000, AUUJ00000000, AUUI00000000, ARWS00000000, AUUH00000000, AUUG00000000)We inferred the presence/absence of each of the T6SS genes on the basis of TBLASTN ( searches against the predicted proteins sequences from Cjejuni strain 414 (National Center for Biotechnology Information reference sequence noNZ_CM000855)Presence or absence of each gene is indicated by a black or white square, respectively, for each strain: column 1, hcp; column 2, icmF_1; column 3, icmF_2; column 4, vasK; column 5, FHA; column 6, vasF; column 7, vasE; column 8, vasD; column 9, impA; column 10, impD; column 11, impC; columns 12 and 13, conserved hypotheticals; column 14, vasA; column 15, vasB; column 16, vgrgThe sequence type (ST) and ST complex (STC) columns represent global multilocus sequence types as described by the Oxford multilocus sequence typing scheme (, unknown ST; –, isolate could not be allocated to a specific ST or STCFurther details of the isolates are provided in Technical Appendix Table 2.

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Page created: May 16, 2014
Page updated: May 16, 2014
Page reviewed: May 16, 2014
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